Jan 30, 2013 | License Law
Because of a ruling in Dauphin County, the breathalyzer will not be used by the PA State Police for now. According to a breaking news story today on Philly.com: A judge in Dauphin County recently tossed out several DUI cases after learning that the manufacturer of a...
Jan 29, 2013 | Helping Drivers
Even if you never had a driver’s license, you can still have your license suspended! I am constantly asked about how PennDOT can issue a license suspension when there was never a license issued, The answer is that your driving privilege is suspended, and the...
Jan 24, 2013 | Helping Drivers
Hasbro has decided it’s time to retire a game piece to bring in a new player. None of the pieces are safe and we believe Monopoly would not be the same without the race car! Vote Here: Save The Monopoly Race Car The MONOPOLY game was officially created in 1934...
Jan 3, 2013 | Helping Drivers
From the PennDOT website; DRIVER LICENSE EXAMINERS & ASSISTANTS NEEDED PennDOT is in need of Driver License Examiners and Assistants statewide. Vince’s Note – PennDOT license centers are located throughout the state. If you are looking for work and fit...
Jan 1, 2013 | License Law
(Updated 07/2021) In Pennsylvania, if there is one constant with a license suspension it is the Restoration Fee that PennDOT requires to restore a driver’s license. The fees have increased again July 2021. The Restoration Fee is most commonly $79 -$1000 (Updated...